Trump Halting the American Extraction

Since his inauguration, President Donald Trump has been leading America substantially away from the path it was heading, and toward a new path he is clearing.  As a result, America is turning toward purposes not yet plain to many Americans.  I get that, which is one reason I write these thoughts for you to consider.  Americans should understand what Trump is doing and why he is doing it.  Just as importantly, they should understand why the work he is doing is vital for our future, the future of our families, friends and loved ones, and for America and the world. 

Today we are experiencing monumental events in American history.  Those events will prove as profound as any world wars, possibly even the Civil War.  As central as the Civil War would become in shaping America and possibly the world, the issues over which that war was fought were squarely defined.  The end result would either benefit or disadvantage the American people as a whole, and by the straightforward decisions they themselves knowingly chose.  During that epic struggle, very little was hidden.  All Americans, even ones caught in the middle, simply trying to live in peace, understood the issues and made decisions based upon their own personal reconciliations.  That is not what we have today.

In the struggle Americans face today, their adversary is hidden.  He does not wear a uniform.  He does not fall into ranks behind a flag.  He does not speak issues plainly.
The opponent Americans face today is concealed, wears a suit, speaks abstractly, politically, and rarely directly.  He thrives on plausible deniability rather than laudable virtuosity.  He is a thief hiding beneath the concealment of a technocratically-designed wealth transfer system, a system the American people are born into and live within their entire lives, most never knowing that the American money supply works surreptitiously, transferring their wealth for the hidden enemy’s private benefit.

So today’s enemy does not form weapons of violent war against us.  His weapons are simple pieces of paper, numbers on computer screens, words on pages and narratives uttered by talking heads compensated for their efforts.
Today’s enemy doesn’t burgle, doesn’t rob, doesn’t overtly steal.  Today’s enemy extracts, legally.  He extracts American wealth, and does so by operating a relatively simple system in which his only product, the American money supply, is issued into circulation, at interest, payable to private Federal Reserve banks.

The extraction began in earnest decades ago, shortly after John F. Kennedy was assassinated and during the presidencies of Johnson and Nixon.  That is when senseless and costly wars became normalized.  That’s when gold reserves could no longer limit the number of dollars Fed banks could create. That is when Fed banks began issuing dollars in endless quantities, loaning them at interest to the American government, further indebting the American people to pay for even more senseless wars and costly bureaucratic regulations.
Since that time and to a measured extent even before, American wealth has been extracted. American heritage has been extracted. American enterprise has been extracted. Extraction of our national identity, national purpose, national resources and wealth is what private control of public currency does.

Five years ago, during the 2014 State of the Union, President Obama spoke of the extraction of American wealth and economic power.  But the globalist President cleverly satisfied the issue, painting the extraction as an inevitable course of world events caused by technological advances altering the world’s economic landscape.  According to Obama, “Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled…Even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by – let alone get ahead. And too many still aren’t working at all.”   Obama was describing the ongoing extraction to which I refer, resulting in a two-tiered American economy, years of wealth generation covertly transferred from the middle class through the Federal Reserve private banking system, passing directly into the accounts of the financial elite who control it.  During the decades since the JFK assassination, financial wealth extraction has left America divided between “haves” and “have-nots,” those barely getting by for their entire lives and those whose wealth is practically unfathomable.
But today, the two-tiered American economy is threatened.  The upper tier feels the Trump threat.  By reversing the processes that brought America to the brink of economic annihilation, by halting the massive draining of the American economy through inequitable trade deals, by concluding the never-ending increases in American war expenditures, by limiting the numbers of government-dependent illegals crossing American borders, by encouraging multi-national manufacturers to reestablish operations in America, by investing in much needed American infrastructure projects, Trump plans to rebuild the middle class tier in a way that restores proper balance between the well-to-do and the masses of hard-working Americans.
Trump is dealing with two parallel economies at once.  He is economically empowering the decimated lower tier, blurring the line separating it from the upper tier. In so doing, he is returning economic power, as well as political power, to the people and away from the financial interests.  Trump knows, however, to be successful he must decouple the wealth extraction mechanism, the Federal Reserve private central banking system, from the American economy.  His enemies know that as well, which is why they panic.


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