Trump Casts Light on Hidden Enemies

President Trump has a way of causing his enemies to show themselves, to sort of “come out of the closet.”  It’s like his enemies arrive at a certain level of desperation they can no longer contain.  That’s when they have to let their feelings out.  It’s almost like they have to do that before they explode.  That is when they start tweeting, writing and speaking…about Trump. 

And when they do, the American people get to see who these people really are.  The more they tweet, the more they write and speak, the more the American people realize these are not American patriots.  On the contrary, these are enemies within, operatives carefully placed to protect certain respective parts of a system that over time gained control of the American Government, and except for Trump’s 2016 presidential victory, would have cemented its grasp on the levers of world power, for good.
Had Trump not won the presidency the American people would never have known the extent of criminal bias existing in the minds and actions of top echelon FBI and Justice Department officials, until too late.  Had Trump not won the presidency, the American people would never have contemplated that a Democrat candidate for President could have, or would have paid for a dossier of lies, to be crafted by agents of a seemingly friendly, foreign government, to be used by carefully-placed operatives in the Justice Department to establish a legal justification to spy on the campaign of an opponent, and even the opponent himself.  And had Trump not won the presidency, the American people would never have contemplated that coordination of such an operation might have occurred with the blessing and authority of a sitting President of the same party.

Before his election, candidate Donald Trump told us his purpose for becoming President.  That purpose has never wavered.  It is to, “replace a failed and totally corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by the American people.”  At that time Trump warned us what we would see and to be on the lookout, continuing, “There is nothing the political establishment will not do, no lie they won’t tell, to hold their prestige and power at the expense of the American people.”  Trump further revealed, “The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exist for only one reason, to protect and enrich itself.”  Finally, Trump informed us, “There are trillions of dollars at stake” and that his campaign “represents a true existential threat” to those who had taken power of the U.S. Government for their own purposes.  That is their issue against Trump.  President Trump represents a threat to the very existence of the existing power structure of the world. 

And we have seen evidence validating candidate Trump’s warnings since his election in 2016.  For one thing, those warnings have been justified by revelations of FISA abuse at the highest levels of American law enforcement.  Remember, “There is nothing the political establishment will not do, no lie they won’t tell, to hold their prestige and power at the expense of the American people.”

So keep all that that in mind as we consider recent remarks from two former high-ranking Federal Reserve officials, former President of the New York Fed, William Dudley, and former Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Central Bank, who is also a former Israeli Central Bank Minister with dual citizenship, Stanley Fischer.

Last week, in a Bloomberg op-ed, the former Goldman Sachs banker Dudley incredibly wrote that affecting the outcome of the 2020 presidential election “falls within the Fed’s purview.” Dudley argued, “Trump’s reelection…presents a threat to the U.S. and global economy,” and that therefore, “Fed officials should consider how their decisions will affect the political outcome in 2020.” 

Now recall, according to Congress, the Federal Reserve has but two responsibilities, to promote full employment and a stable currency.  Regardless whatever else may be happening, the Fed has no political purpose, by law.  So why would Bill Dudley, former Wall Street banker and head of the New York Fed, come out of the closet urging the presumed politically-neutral Fed to act to help defeat a sitting President?  Let’s come back to that.

Former Fed Officials Want Trump Gone
Next up to offer comments was Fischer.  Last week, Fischer spoke as a panelist of former and sitting Israeli central bank governors meeting in Tel Aviv.   According to the globalist former Obama Fed appointee, Trump “doesn’t understand trade.”  According to Fischer, Trump’s actions cause “a lot of damage to the global economy,” and that almost every day Trump, “takes a step to weaken the global trade system…which is almost totally intolerable.”

So what are these esteemed, internationally renowned, yet supposedly politically-neutral former Fed officials saying?  Why have they suddenly come out of the closet expressing such politically-charged comments against a sitting President of the United States?
Trump told us there would be days like this.  Trump told us that he represents an “existential threat” to the very existence of the global-elite power structure of the world.  Obviously, the global-elite are panicking.  When people panic, they make mistakes.  They say things they shouldn’t.  When people panic, they show their true colors. 

And these two bankers, Dudley and Stanley, understand that the organization they represent is the fountainhead of global power in the world, the international central banking system, the lynchpin of which is the Federal Reserve.  They are scared.  They know Trump means to restore their power back to the people.


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