Globalist Empire to Fail

 In the first articles I wrote for the Forsyth County News, beginning late May of 2017, I described the economic environment Donald Trump would be forced to contend during his presidency. While everything else you hear in the news has been happening, in the background Trump has been dealing with a dying world trading platform, the globalist’s petrodollar system, which since the ‘70’s has financed the US trade deficit by ever-increasing American debt.

Globalism depends on the petrodollar as its lifeblood.  Without it, and without even harsher means of enforcing the value of Federal Reserve currency worldwide, such as US military coercion, globalism dies. Contrary to its positive portrayals in the media, globalism is not about increasing wealth worldwide, not about creating a larger pie for an entire world of people.  Globalism is like a fisherman’s net, that net being private currency cast among the nations, a worldwide, privately-owned, ubiquitous payment system for goods and services. The net costs very little to operate. But the more areas of the world the net can be cast, the more riches it can return to its owners, those who own and operate the western central banking cartel.  Unless the cartel can create money at will for the globalists and have it accepted virtually worldwide, however, the globalist empire model cannot be supported.

Former empires such as the British, Dutch, French and Spanish all depended upon establishing a proprietary money system in each of their colonies, and a military to enforce its value should the colonists, such as those here in America, reject it.  Those who own and control the issuance of worldwide currency, and effectively operate the world’s most powerful military as their enforcer, essentially run the world.  Globalism is an attempt to revive of the European world empire, using the American economy as a central distribution point of currency borrowed by the American people, and the American military as its enforcer.  Effectively, Globalists have been working to create a colony out of each nation in the world, erasing national borders, and becoming the sole issuer of currency-at-interest worldwide.  That is how they would rule the world.  President Donald Trump opposes them and their plan, and that is why they want Trump gone.

But even the globalists know that their private currency system will eventually fail.  That is because all Ponzi schemes eventually fail.  The globalists therefore depend on long, interminable wars, to help keep the governments of the world borrowing more and more currency into circulation, such to maintain enough in circulation to pay interest on what has already been borrowed.  Eventually though, when the system truly fails, globalists will count on a blockbuster world event to blame the need for a currency reset, after which they would simply do it all again, having cemented globalist control for another few decades.

Setting off a blockbuster event with Russia over Syria would have been the assignment for a President Hillary Clinton.  Remember Hillary advocating a no-fly zone over Syria?  Affecting that policy would have directly challenged Putin militarily.  Under Hillary, there would have been little escape from a major world conflict, which would have provided the globalists the cover necessary to reset their system.

President Trump knows that without a catastrophic world event, the globalist’s world trading platform, the petrodollar, will soon run its course. That system is on life support as it is, having died for a lack of liquidity in 2009.  To keep it going, Congress and GW Bush bailed it out, allowing the bankers to create $700 billion to alleviate the stress on the system, loaning those dollars to the American government at interest, the government handing it right back to the bankers, free of charge, to keep the system going.  That was TARP.  Then, during the Obama years, the Federal Reserve Central Bank created nearly $4 trillion in new currency, essentially handing it to Wall Street banks, which they used to artificially pump up the stock markets, increasing globalist paper wealth, which vicariously allowed them to create more and more dollars.  That was “quantitative easing.”  Now the Fed, under Chairman Powell, is attempting to draw down that same $4 trillion, out of $14 trillion in domestic circulation, hoping to return to a state of "normalcy," which explains the recent stock market convulsions.

US Trade Deficit Financed by Globalist Petrodollar & US Debt
To combat the Fed’s currency retraction, Trump initiated a policy to repatriate as many overseas dollars as possible back into the US economy.  Under Trump’s guidance and insistence, Congress enacted new tax laws allowing US corporations to bring home overseas dollars at a minimal cost of taxation.  Furthermore, Trump is working to lower petrodollar-financed trade deficits and re-establish as many heavy industries as he can, thereby keeping US dollars in domestic circulation, knowing that each net dollar leaving must be replaced by another borrowed from Fed banks.  If Trump can keep dollars from leaving America, that helps to keep the US economy liquid while Powell draws down the Fed’s balance sheet.

But the petrodollar is doomed regardless.  Globalism can destroy the world, but can’t win.  Oil is being fracked out of the ground everywhere.  The world is no longer solely dependent on Middle East energy, a fact which allows Trump to plan exiting the Middle East.  An energy independent America, once again operating its own domestic industrial base within a vibrant US economy, will allow Trump to remove US forces from around the world with impunity.  That is Trump’s plan, which among other reasons should help explain why the globalists hate him.


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