They Think You Are Stupid
Now if you read the Good Book, it tells us that there really are folks among us who choose to be stupid, choose not to see what is perfectly obvious to others. It tells us that if people don’t want to see the truth, God will not allow them to see it, kind of a “spiritual” thing. But the Bible also tells us that to see the truth, all we have to do is ask. That’s fair. Remember? Knock and the door shall be opened? Seek and we shall find? But if we don’t knock with an open heart, if we truly do not want to know the truth, God, Who knows our hearts, will allow us to live in ignorance, and out of our own free will. And to people who see the obvious truth all around us, we just appear stupid, although it might go deeper than that, but of course it might not.
And I don’t mean to insult those who are stupid by choice. I’m just preaching the unvarnished, Word of God here. And of course, those who choose to be stupid never know how stupid they are anyway. They just think others are stupid. So there is little chance that any words of mine might offend anyone here. I’m talking about somebody else, right?
Now I have a little cottage industry going for me here. I don’t get paid for it, and I don’t seek payment. The Good Lord instructs me, “Freely you received, so freely give,” and that’s what I do. Whether people see any value in what I say, is up to them. If they have questions, I try my best to answer them. But if an individual falls into the category of stupid by choice, as in “Biblically stupid,” just know that I will see that soon enough, at which time, unless I see some practical entertainment in continuing, I will consider my time as sunk cost and stop investing it. Because when you get right down to it, time is all we have. It is up to us to use it wisely. The Holy Writ instructs us there too. When we enter a home that does not accept our truth, it tells us to shake the dust from our feet and go to the next. I take that as God’s permission to leave people wondering.
So let’s get to the point here, the Mueller investigation and what they think, or at least hope you are stupid enough to believe.
Considering the following:
Obama and Hillary Unleashed ISIS |
So maybe we can bring some good out of this obvious attempt to blindfold the already blind. I know, we could pass out free, “stupidity tests,” that anyone might use in the privacy of home to discover whether he or she might be, or might have chosen to be, stupid. This could even be part of the US census, a short questionnaire to regularly record the incidence of stupidity across the entire American population, which by all estimates of mine has reached epidemic proportions. Here’s the test: If you actually believe the Mueller investigation was carried out for the justifiable purpose of protecting the democratic processes in our country, and had nothing to do as a last-ditch fishing expedition to in some way discover or manufacture evidence that might remove President Trump from office, then as the test will affirm, you are, or have chosen to be, stupid. In the kit you will find a sign to wear so that normal, intelligent people will understand not to waste time with you.
The silver lining would be the offer of a path for your recovery, if you choose to take it. All you would have to do is realize the following: The only danger to the democratic processes in America are forces from within, not forces from without. And just know; those forces from within depend on only one thing, you being stupid enough to believe them.
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