Woodall Replacement, Support Trump or Lose

I can’t lie.  During the disquieting Obama years, I found myself further distressed by the fact that my 7th District US Representative, Rob Woodall, did very little, in my opinion, to resist the 44th President’s efforts to turn America into a third world country and destroy the US Constitution domestically, while executing illegal regime change operations across the world in countries such as Ukraine, Libya and Syria.  I remember attending an open forum and asking Congressman Woodall why he did nothing visibly to resist Obama’s policies. He responded that the “Article 1 Congress” was powerless to resist the “Article 2 President” from doing anything he wanted to do, and that “we,” the American people, were complicit with Obama’s actions by electing him.  I did not buy that then, and Woodall’s statement has proven false noting the extent that Democrats in Congress have successfully resisted the initiatives of President Trump over the first two years of his presidency. 

And as the 2016 election neared, and as 17 Republican hopefuls battled our now President to become the nominee, Congressman Woodall further frustrated my political senses by supporting the one candidate I considered the very worst of the worst, Ohio Governor and globalist, John Kasich.  While it is impossible not to like the 7th District Congressman personally, when America of our founding fathers was on the brink of globalist annihilation, Woodall could not or would not see it, could not or would not understand the enemy within, and obviously believed that any differences between sides could be negotiated in good faith.  No, one cannot negotiate with globalists.  One can only defeat them, utterly.

When Congressman Woodall came out in support of handing President Obama trade promotion authority, ostensibly empowering Obama to “negotiate” the Trans-Pacific Partnership and return it to Congress for an up-or-down vote, I was astounded.  I immediately scheduled a visit with his chief-of-staff in Lawrenceville, my purpose to inform Woodall of the dangers of that agreement.  Once again, my voice fell on deaf ears.  Woodall voted for TPA.  Thus, had Trump not defeated Hillary in 2016, by now the United States would have placed itself under the authority of a corporate Pacific rim-governing trade court.  And because the TPP would have been an act of Congress, no future President, even Trump, would have sufficient authority to overrule private efforts from outside of the United States to control American Pacific trade policy.  In essence, TPP was the foundation of a Constitution for a worldwide corporate governing body superior to the US Government.  TPP was the most dangerous agreement America might ever become a part of and would have assured that Obama’s purpose of destroying America of our founders would come to pass.  And all the time the initiatives I discuss were happening, Congressman Woodall never publicly resisted them, and in many ways supported them.

In February 2017, after President Trump took office I trekked to Lawrenceville, once again, my purpose to review with Congressman Woodall the areas of our past disagreements and to urge him to fully support President Trump in his presidency.  When I did, Woodall pulled the ever-present US Constitution from his jacket pocket and chided me that nowhere in that document did it require him to support Trump because Trump was a Republican, pledging to scrutinize Trump’s policies just as he would any Democrat.  Ironic that Woodall would say such a thing owning such a history of bending to Obama’s will during the previous eight years, but that is what he said.  Citing the very document he presented, I responded informing my congressman that his Constitution states clearly that he represented me in Congress, and that as my representative I urged him to fully support President Trump.  Interestingly, in all of our dealings I believe that was the first time Congressman Woodall actually understood me.  Yes, that is basic republicanism.  A congressman’s purpose is to represent his or her constituents.

But recently, after inching reelection in the previously strongly-held Republican 7th District, I noticed a change in my congressman’s behavior.  Suddenly I noticed Woodall appearing on various mainstream media outlets full-throatedly supporting President Trump.  As a result, last Wednesday I wrote to Woodall’s chief-of-staff, “I am glad to see Rob stepping out in front of the cameras supporting our President.  Please let him know that.”  Ironically, after finally winning my support after eight years of representation, the next day Rob Woodall announced he would vacate his seat in Congress.  Go figure.

So what is the lesson for the next Republican 7th District nominee in all of this?  The answer should be clear.  Support Trump and earn Trump’s support, or lose.  And, God-forbid, should the 7th District Republican nominee lose, southern Forsyth County will likely be represented in the US Congress by a socialist.  Is that what Forsyth County wants?  In the previous two years, a solid 7th District Republican seat has gone from no Democrat opposition to almost overwhelming opposition.  If the 7th District seat remains Republican, it will be because of Trump.  Trump is the rainmaker.  Florida and Georgia elected Republican governors because of Trump’s supporting endorsements.  When Trump went to Macon stumping for Brian Kemp, Woodall stayed home.  And Woodall barely won reelection because many Forsyth County voters stayed home. Woodall thought he had to court Gwinnett moderates to win.  No, he had to excite the Forsyth County Trump base to win and win convincingly.  The next 7th District Republican nominee should heed this warning: support Trump or lose to a socialist.


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