Trump Is His Own Code Talker

Trump with WWII Navajo Code Talkers
So this week, President Trump honored the Navajo nation, and in particular three Navajo World War II veteran “Code Talkers.”  If you never heard the term, during the War in the Pacific, 400 or so Navajos were assigned to use their extremely indistinguishable language to communicate vital battle information to and from command and control centers of the various island campaigns.  Neither the Japanese nor the American soldiers or Marines understood the language.  American commanders could therefore send radio messages with impunity, understanding that no one, especially the enemy, would be able to decode them and learn the American battle strategies.

To commemorate and store knowledge of the Navajo Code Talker accomplishments during World War II, during their time at the White House the surviving Code Talkers expressed a desire to build a Code Talker Museum, a project which during the ceremony President Trump pledged support.

But during his remarks honoring the Navajo veterans, President Trump took the opportunity to swipe at Democrat Senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren.  That opportunity arose due to the fact that several times during her career rise, Ms. Warren offered on various applications, such as to Harvard Law School, that she was part native American.  No one has ever been able to discover which, if any, of Ms. Warren’s ancestors might have been native American, and Ms. Warren has never offered any evidence to justify her claims.  And so it is largely regarded that Ms. Warren made up those claims, her obvious purpose of course to receive a competitive advantage over her non-minority rivals and perhaps even true minority rivals to gain entry into those programs.

During his brief remarks, President Trump singled out Warren as “one in the United States Congress” who according to Trump, “they call Pocahontas.” That was it, all he said.  Soon afterward charges from the left and MSM arose claiming Trump issued a racial slur, ostensibly choosing the very opportunity of commending the native American WWII heroes he had just gone out of his way to honor at the White House, only to insult them along with their entire race in his next breath.  Yes, they claim to believe that.  Hitler had more decorum around Jesse Owens than these people describe in Trump.

But when Elizabeth Warren’s manufactured tale of native American heritage came to light, the left offered no similar outrage against her fabrications, which really were reprehensible.

Obviously, this is a partisan discussion.

So let’s look beyond the partisanship and understand what Trump did, and why, and the effect.  First, what did Trump do? He needled Senator Elizabeth Warren, once again, about her original lie, years ago, one which launched her career, and about her continued pretense of that lie, one she refuses to stand up and admit.

Second, why did Trump do it?   And while we ask that question, let’s ask why Trump does a lot of similar things to upset his enemies.  The answer is that it brings his enemies out of the shadows to show the American people who they really are.   It irritates them so much that they cannot resist showing their true colors.  And if America is going to be restored, the American people must see Trump’s enemies for who they are, and reject them.  Left to their own methods, they will hide behind decorum, and use the snail-paced D.C. political process to resist Trump until they can hope he will be gone from office.  If Trump is going to be successful, given the timeframe he is allotted, he must accelerate the process.  Trump cannot sit back and wait.  To be successful he must constantly irritate the status quo, rub salt into the wound, repeatedly call out the lies, and engender a telling response from his adversaries.  Unless Trump can provoke a response, which helps to show his enemies for what they are, his chances of defeating them are lower.  Time is not on Trump’s side.  Trump’s remarks, such as the one this week, are simply an accelerant to speed the reaction, designed to in the end achieve his goals.  Trump is forcing his political adversaries out into the open.  He does it at every opportunity.  Now you know why.

And so the effect is that Trump keeps winning and his political enemies keep losing.  While you and I can sit on the sideline and watch the sides war against each other, and while we can understand Trump’s strategy, his enemies cannot.  They must react to defend their honor by attacking him back or they…might win.  Yes, they might win.  They cannot see that Trump is baiting them.  They cannot understand that when Trump says these things, he is doing his own brand of code talking.  You and I understand the code.  We understand his battlefield strategy.  But his political enemies cannot.  They do not speak his language and do not understand his strategy.  Politicians desire popularity.  They desire people to say nice things about them, adore them.  And when they do not receive the adulation, and instead receive valid criticism, they lash out and show who they really are.

Trump is the smartest guy in the room, friends.  But he talks in code.  Understand the code and understand Trump. 


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