So What's Wrong with the Fair Tax? Nothing, if You Like Being Taxed at All

I hate to disagree with you good folks who support the Fair Tax. I know that your hearts are in the right place. And while I prefer the Fair Tax to the Income Tax, the very need for any such tax, the attempt of which is to defray the cost of government, and its associated FISCAL imbalances, is purely a function of the PRIVATE MONETARY SYSTEM the American people are forced to use. That system charges interest on each dollar in the money supply, and pays that interest to a Fed Member Bank, the overwhelming proportion of which gets paid to those few who are on Wall Street.  Understanding that one fact, it should not be difficult to understand how these banks got to be "to-big-to-fail."

The truth is that, the NATIONAL DEBT IS AN ILLUSION of the Federal Reserve PRIVATE central banking system. Under a public system, that debt could be paid off by 9:00 tomorrow morning, no more borrowing, no more taxing, and no more accruing interest. And so while the Fair Tax might be a better alternative than the income tax, what I expect most people would opt for if given the chance would be the 'NO Tax.' That is the tax associated with the monetary system designed by our Founders, and described in the Constitution. That is why our Founders never authorized the United States to tax incomes.  That is the system that existed prior to 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law.  That act placed a small cadre of world class criminals, unaccountable to anyone, in ownership of the American money supply. That international banking cartel owns and controls the issuance of the American currency.

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

If the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, the banks and corporations that will spring up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

What Jefferson describes is exactly where we stand, 104 years of Federal Reserve operation, and 20 trillion dollars in debt.

The American Revolution was largely fought over the requirement that the colonies use British currency issued by the Bank of England, at interest to that privately owned bank.

And frankly, the Fair Tax will not help to pay the national debt. NO tax system will. Under the Federal Reserve System, there is not enough money in the money supply to pay back both the interest owed on the national debt, and the principle, WITHOUT IMPOVERISHING THE PRIVATE SECTOR.

Under the Fed System, the interest owed the Fed on the outstanding money supply, can only be paid by borrowing more debt from the Fed, and paying the interest on the old debt, out of new principle just borrowed. The Fed System is a Ponzi scheme.

And under the Federal Reserve private monetary system, we cannot grow out of the problem of FISCAL deficits. Because the American money supply, itself, is debt at interest owed to the Federal Reserve member banks who issue the currency, the larger our economy gets, the larger that debt gets. Regardless of what our politicians say, the compounding of interest will never allow the debt to be paid off.

And all of this is by design. The Federal Reserve System is part of a larger, private world monetary system that is designed to indebt both the United States, and the nations of the world, to this relatively small cadre of elite financiers who own the private central banks in the nations.

Therefore, under the private Federal Reserve System, it is mathematically impossible for America to become anything other than a nation completely encumbered in debt. Because the entire money supply itself is debt at interest, in the form of 'notes' owed back to the system, it does not matter whether the tax system is an income tax, or a Fair Tax. Either way, the final result will be an insolvent nation, unable to pay either its public, or private debt.

The alternative, is a PUBLIC monetary system, operated by the people's government, rather than a PRIVATE monetary system run by a criminal, international banking cartel. Under that public system, the interest on the money supply would not go to a private banking cartel of criminals. Instead, that interest would pay the cost of government. The government would no longer have to borrow and tax to pay its bills. The government would operate off interest and regulate the interest rate to adapt to the prevailing economic conditions. Under that system, each dollar would be owned by the people. When the people borrow, they would pay the interest to themselves. The monetary system described in Article I, Section 8, is this system. It is also described in the Law of Moses, which forbade charging interest on loans.  Because the people simply pay themselves, viewed as a whole, there is no interest expense.

Every function of the Fed could be, and Constitutionally SHOULD be, operated under the auspices of the United States Treasury Department.  That is what the Treasury Department is for. In 1913, the United States government essentially handed its sovereign right to create money, to a corrupt, and corrupting body of influence, one that buys its own continued existence by enabling corporate support of elected officials who agree to turn an eye away from its criminal behavior and exploits.

And so, this is the issue, a MONETARY issue, not a TAX issue, not a FISCAL issue, whether the United States and its people should continue to be held hostage by a private central bank, and all that that means, or whether we restore the Republic of our Founders and once again live under the blessings that God-given liberty provides.


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