Obama’s Iran-Con Backfired

In last week’s article entitled, “Republican Congress Pulled the Wool on You,” I revealed the “con” behind the Iran Nuclear Review Act, a deception Obama and the Republicans in congress perpetrated on the American people. But I didn’t show you the con the Iranians pulled on them! So this week, let’s pull back the veil on the rest of the story, starting with the facts surrounding the leadup to the Iran Nuclear Review Act and all that happened afterward.

Putting all this in perspective, consider that the narrative supposing Iran might develop a nuclear bomb first surfaced over 30 years ago, when in April of 1984 West German intelligence sources leaked reports that Iran would be capable of producing a bomb ‘within two years.’ Get that…Iran bomb…two years...1984. That report was “leaked.” Why they would do that?

Since that time, trusted sources have regularly circulated allegations regarding an imminent probability of Iran possessing a nuclear weapon. One such authority has been Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who first made that claim in 1992, when he assured the Israeli Knesset that the Iran bomb would be ready to deploy in “3 to 5 years.” You do the math.

But Americans have short memories. Claims alleging Iran’s impending nuclear capabilities have been repeated so often and so long that the public mind has finally institutionalized those claims, now considering them no less than universal truths governing the state of affairs with Iran, for all times.

Within that context, on Friday, September 27, 2013, the White House announced a sudden “breakthrough in talks” with Iran. During a hastily arranged afternoon news conference, President Obama excitedly proclaimed that he had “just spoken directly” with Iranian President Rouhani. According to Obama, the subject matter was, “a breakthrough in talks over Iran’s nuclear program,” thus initiating the deception. Because the heads-of-state for these two countries had not spoken directly in over 30 years, the announced phone call, with no prior notice, arrived with considerable surprise.

But unbeknownst to the public, earlier that day something very interesting occurred. As the Shanghai Daily would later report, a subsidiary “under the World Bank Group (WBG)…moved all loans to the Islamic Republic of Iran from “non-performing” to “performing” status following the payment of all overdue amounts on these loans.” The Daily coupled that statement with another, expressing, “While addressing a White House press conference Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that he has just spoken directly with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani by phone regarding nuclear program.”

So on that very same Friday, (1) Iran made a substantial payment on a long overdue loan to a World Bank subsidiary pledging more payments to come; (2) The subsidiary moved the delinquent loan account from non-performing to performing status; and (3) The heads of state spoke for the first time in over 30 years, but allegedly on a subject unrelated to the financial happenings earlier that day. Instead, Obama claimed it was about nuclear weapons. In making that payment, Iran “conned” Obama to believe it would finally capitulate to US sanctions, surrender its banking system to the west and rejoin the petrodollar system, obviously the real subject of the call.

And the clever Iranians continued to fake Obama and our US congress out. One month later, according to Businessday, in addition to committing to continue payments to the WBG, the Iranian Central Bank claimed it would be moving toward “independence” from government control (IOW, going to a western central banking model), a prospect which must have sent tingles up Obama’s leg. Shortly thereafter, maintaining the ruse, Iran’s high bankers would heartily greet IMF officials for an extended “mission visit.” [The IMF embarks on “mission visits” to countries whose banks are considering entering the western banking system.]

So Obama and Congress got played by the shrewd Iranians who clearly had no intention of handing over their banking system, but who desired for US and related sanctions to be lifted. Eventually, they all signed the smokescreen “nuclear agreement,” but which, as we eventually learned, included “numerous side deals” only revealed to congress during classified briefings. So congress understood the real purpose behind the deal.

In August of 2015, Secretary of State Kerry let it known that if the US walked away from the “nuclear deal” the dollar could cease to be the reserve currency of the world, as if there might be some connection there. One month later, congress began a “playfight” over the Iran nuclear agreement, all for public consumption. Soon we learned that Obama sent $1.7 billion, in cash, of your money, on a plane, obviously a bribe for Iranian officials.

Tying a bow around all this, just two weeks ago, after finally realizing the depth of Iran’s con, congress overwhelmingly reinstated sanctions it previously authorized Obama to remove under his “nuclear deal” with Iran. If all this seems convoluted, friends, it is. And your US Congressman and both senators are complicit, which is why every Republican member of congress needs to be replaced.

Just take them all out, please. Let God sort it out.


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