Georgia to Select the Next Bride of Frankenstein?

Friends, when is the last time you recall the passage of significant legislation accruing real benefit for the people? Thinking…thinking…What, the Reagan tax cuts? Yes, that was pretty good; but that happened over 30 years ago. And legislators always seem to have an excuse ready don’t they. “It wasn’t the right time,” or, “We don’t have a majority in both houses,” or, “They can’t get 60 votes in the senate,” or, “We did our job but the governor wouldn’t sign it.” But while most legislative records are sparsely populated with wins for the people, those same legislators rarely have problems passing new spy legislation, tax increases, or crony-capitalist welfare bills, do they. Why is that?
You know the answer already. Legislative bodies have long resisted representing the interests of those who elect them, opting instead to secretly represent the special interests who pay for their election campaigns. Those are corporations along with various other entities granted legal status under the laws, the very same laws those entities hire lobbyists to change in their favor. There is a big point here, one that is vital to the restoration of the people’s government, and which has roots in the American founding. 
In Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton wrote, "There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void... To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves." 
The Declaration of Independence is clear in that all authorities come from God Who delegates them to the people. Among those authorities are the ones necessary to institute a government. Our government is instituted in a written constitution. Under the constitution is a body of laws duly-enacted by authority of those same people, and for their purposes only. 
Now some of those laws allow creation of artificial persons, mostly corporate entities seeking profits. All of that is as it should be.
But where we run afoul is when those same corporate “persons” double back to usurp the very authorities that created them, using corporate purses with strings tied to legislation designed to further corporate purposes, while contravening those of the people. Regardless how you slice it, there are no legitimate authorities for lobbyists, acting on behalf of entities created under legislative acts, to advocate directly to the people's representatives to pass legislation accruing for corporate benefit, rather than the people’s benefit. The servants, corporations, are not greater than the masters, the people. Elected office holders who submit to corporate pressure to directly influence the passage of legislation contravening of the purposes of the people, violate the express purpose of their office and the constitutional provision requiring a republican form of government under Article IV, Section IV.
So what we have here is a Frankenstein monster. Recall that Dr. Frankenstein stole human body parts of the recently departed and used them to create a living being. Once given life, however, this being became a monster having no conscience to differentiate right from wrong, only an instinct to survive and thrive. Acting on instinct, and unconstrained by conscience, the monster, i.e. the servant, became more powerful than his master, and destroyed him.
And that is what happens in our elected government. The servants, i.e. corporations and legislators, become more powerful than their masters, the people. Acting in keeping with a prime directive to maximize profits, corporations seek to alter the very same body of laws from which corporate consciousness springs, furthering their goal of ever increasing corporate profits. 
Importantly, because Dr. Frankenstein’s monster had no conscience, he had to be bound by chains. The chains that bind our “corporate monster,” on the other hand, are the laws. Acting on the primal instinct to thrive unconstrained, Frankenstein’s monster destroyed his chains, taking dominion over his creator and destroying him. Possessing a similar instinct to thrive unconstrained, corporations seek to destroy laws that limit their profits, in the process usurping the people’s power over their government and seizing it for themselves. 
Unlike Dr. Frankenstein, however, the corporation’s master has a bodyguard, our state governor. The people gave the governor authority to veto legislation that violates the master-servant relationship. But to prevent the chief executive from doing so, the corporate monster’s task includes wooing the governor to submit to corporate purposes, rather than the peoples, the governor effectively becoming Frankenstein’s bride. 
In 2018, Georgia will elect a new governor. Will that governor be another bride of Frankenstein, a lady long in-waiting and whose history of government service reveals whole submission to corporate purposes while supplanting those of the people, or will the people choose an incorruptible favorite son to safeguard the purposes of the people? The people of Forsyth County are positioned to have much to say about that decision.


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