
Showing posts from September, 2018

Trump Holds All the Cards

President Trump holds all the cards, friends.  And he is playing them in such a way that he has every DC Democrat, and the cabal they represent, panicking.  The craziness of the Dems with respect to the Kavanaugh Supreme Court appointment, personified by the parading of female sexual assault accusers, is a sign of desperation.  The Democrats have nothing else.  This is simply a stalling tactic.  They introduced one accuser well after the Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, the effect of which stalled the confirmation vote for at least ten days.  Because it worked, last Sunday evening, after a deal was set for accuser #1 to testify five days hence, others even less credible came forward.  Let’s see…two accusers at ten days a piece…that’s twenty days.  A few more and the Dems get past the midterms.  You see how desperate they are?  And each day is one more that the Democrats can hope Trump’s declassification of FISA-related documents can als...

Traitor Curtain About to Drop

It still amazes me the number of people who do not, or will not, recognize that America suffered an attempted, calculated, silent coup.  While we went about personal business, America was taken over. Fortunately, the job was not complete.  A Hillary Clinton presidency, though, would have closed the deal.  The American Experiment would have been over, deemed a failure by any rational account, the last, best hope of earth lost forever. I witnessed the overthrow of America for many years, unwittingly.  Something was wrong, politically, but I could not put my finger on it.  Time after time, major federal and state legislation worked against the purposes of the people and for the purposes of private interests.  Campaign reform was obviously needed at the federal level. But when that bill finally passed, corporate interests won the day again, subsequently cementing control over our government by the use of private purse strings which open and close as politicia...

Trump Sends Enemies to Fantasy Island

We’ve talked about this for a couple of weeks now, that President Trump and Attorney General Sessions, while seeming at odds, purposely present that way.  The reason is to throw off their (our) enemies.  Those enemies are members of a dangerous cabal that took over the US Government, which would have cemented its control under a Hillary presidency, utilizing the corporate media it controls.  As discredited as it is, the mainstream media remains formidable, providing cover for its masters by continually attacking President Trump with lies designed to sap his power.  While that game is working with fewer and fewer Americans, it remains a powerful tactic with the ill-informed left. Many are frustrated with Trump and Sessions, understanding the criminal nature of the cabal.  They do not understand why Trump does not simply explain to the world the nature of the criminal element that took over our government, naming the ring leaders as he does, and dispatch the Jus...

One Day Soon It’s All Going to Change

Last week, you might recall, I let you in on a secret, that President Trump and Attorney General Sessions have been pulling your leg, the President tweeting what a horrible job his premier law-enforcement officer was doing, Sessions in turn pronouncing defiance against Trump, refusing to politicize the US Justice Department, even if directed to do so by the President.  The result? Equilibrium, Trump is still tweeting, Sessions is still quietly working his job as he understands it.  And why are they doing that?  As I told you last week, conflict. Trump seeks information-laden conflict.  Conflict draws attention of the masses, large segments of which would never understand the issues Trump and Sessions rail about unless attracted by raised voices. And as I also told you last week, because the bought-and-paid-for fake news media positions Trump as their enemy, the President knows they will side with Sessions and praise the Attorney General as a fair-minded departure...