Truth Will Set US Free
You may have noticed, many of my articles center on money and the Federal Reserve banking system. I write on this subject to help explain how America got to where it is today, $71 trillion in actual signed-on debt, and an American citizenry possessing very little effective control over a government once described as, “of, by and for the people.” When Lincoln coined that term and used it at Gettysburg, he also informed future American generations that it falls on them to ensure that popular government “shall not perish from the earth.” And so, according to our 16th President, each generation is born with the responsibility that when its time is complete, the form of government it inherited would still be in place. Unfortunately, that responsibility has not been fulfilled. I believe that Americans who might read this article are either extremely fortunate to have been born here, or just as fortunate to find themselves in America by whatever means that occurred....