
Showing posts from August, 2018

Truth Will Set US Free

You may have noticed, many of my articles center on money and the Federal Reserve banking system.  I write on this subject to help explain how America got to where it is today, $71 trillion in actual signed-on debt, and an American citizenry possessing very little effective control over a government once described as, “of, by and for the people.”  When Lincoln coined that term and used it at Gettysburg, he also informed future American generations that it falls on them to ensure that popular government “shall not perish from the earth.”  And so, according to our 16th President, each generation is born with the responsibility that when its time is complete, the form of government it inherited would still be in place.  Unfortunately, that responsibility has not been fulfilled. I believe that Americans who might read this article are either extremely fortunate to have been born here, or just as fortunate to find themselves in America by whatever means that occurred....

American Form of Government, Not What You Think

Last week I discussed how the Federal Reserve System, a private, corporate institution, creates dollars, essentially loaning them at interest into circulation for us to use.  I explained that because all dollars are loaned at interest, they must be paid back.  And I explained that because the system does not issue dollars necessary to pay the interest, the only way to do so is to borrow more dollars and pay the interest on the existing dollars out of new dollars just borrowed. Importantly, under this system, each dollar of principle paid back to its primary lender is removed from circulation.  So were the American people to attempt to pay back $71 trillion they and their government owe, with only $14 trillion in circulation, they would retire every dollar in the money supply and be left with $57 trillion of debt, and no dollars to pay it.  That is how the system works.  And that is why it is hopeless to cut government spending to balance things out.  Cutt...

Trade Deficit and Federal Reserve, Stealing US Wealth

Why does no one, not the media, not Congress, and not even US Presidents prior to Trump, speak about monetary policy?  The answer is simple.  The US Government does not control monetary policy.  Instead the US Government “subs that out” to a private corporate entity, one cleverly designed to appear as a governmental organization, but is not.  That corporate entity is called the “Federal Reserve System.”  In passing the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, Congress privatized control over the issuance of American currency.  No longer a function of government, the ownership and control of the American money supply was handed to an appointed board sitting atop a private institution known as the “Federal Reserve Central Bank.”  Underneath the Central Bank is a set of twelve Regional Fed Banks.  Those regional banks are owned privately by shareholding “member banks” residing in each respective region.  The largest region by dollar volume is the Federal ...

Why I Write, Unity Through Knowledge

Last week I happened to mention online, for the umpteenth time, that private banks, predominantly the too-big-to-fail Wall Street banks, issue our American currency.  That remark engendered yet another insult, of the sort I most commonly receive from the left, from a woman expressing that economics must not be my strong suit and who followed her comment writing, “Wall Street prints money... Hmm, didn't know that.” She finished inserting one of those insipid laughy face emojis signifying her remark was a scoff.  That’s OK.   I’m used to it.  Insults from the ignorant bounce off me like bullets off Superman.  I’m sure I’ll receive more from this article, not a problem.  Actually, those kinds of remarks reinforce why I spend the time to write each week.  You see, I don’t do this for me.  I already know this stuff.  I do it for you.  Nobody pays me.  My rewards are intrinsic. I’m forever reminded of a Scripture from Hosea who wr...