Trump’s Biggest Promise Fulfilled Soon

Whether you agree with President Trump’s policies, you must admit he makes good on his promises. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump promised to tear up the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which would have subordinated US sovereignty and subjected American businesses to the decisions of a private, multi-national, corporate board and court. Signing the US to such an agreement would have clipped the wings of the American economic powerhouse and passed its lost power to a handful of global elite planners and policymakers. One of Trump’s first acts was to cancel consideration of that agreement and cast it onto the ash heap of history. During the campaign, Trump confirmed that the Paris Climate Accord was just another scam designed to suck wealth from the American people and place it in the hands of international policy makers and regulators, private organizers to receive massive payments of US carbon taxes, funded by US tax dollars, ostensibly as...