
Showing posts from July, 2018

Trump’s Biggest Promise Fulfilled Soon

Whether you agree with President Trump’s policies, you must admit he makes good on his promises.  During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump promised to tear up the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which would have subordinated US sovereignty and subjected American businesses to the decisions of a private, multi-national, corporate board and court.  Signing the US to such an agreement would have clipped the wings of the American economic powerhouse and passed its lost power to a handful of global elite planners and policymakers.  One of Trump’s first acts was to cancel consideration of that agreement and cast it onto the ash heap of history. During the campaign, Trump confirmed that the Paris Climate Accord was just another scam designed to suck wealth from the American people and place it in the hands of international policy makers and regulators, private organizers to receive massive payments of US carbon taxes, funded by US tax dollars, ostensibly as...

Trump Trusts Putin over US Intel, With Good Reason

Trump Meets Putin in Helsinki Earlier this week, following the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki, when asked about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, President Trump told America and the world another hard truth.  And that is that Russian President Vladimir Putin is more trustworthy than the US civilian intelligence agencies, FBI and CIA.  Top level operatives in those agencies have been working to maintain a wedge between the two heads-of-state ever since it became apparent that Trump just might win the 2016 election and defeat their heir-apparent, Hillary Clinton.  The deep state and the Democrats are deathly afraid of those two leaders comparing notes.  Neither world leader is beholden to those who pull their strings, Putin has the goods on Hillary, Mueller and the Uranium One deal, and Trump has economic leverage over Putin to encourage him to sing.  So when Trump emerged as a viable challenger to Hillary in 2016, high-level op...

Exposing DC’s Biggest Secret

If you have been paying attention, you should recognize the extent to which the dark underbelly of the US Government has been exposing itself since Donald Trump decided to run for President.  And since Trump actually won, the pace of those exposures has accelerated dramatically.  The more the increasingly-desperate criminals who comprise DC’s dark underbelly attempt to derail the Trump presidency, the more they reveal themselves for the American people to finally see who they are and what they are up to. But the power of the presidency is such that President Trump could immediately rock the world of the DC criminals.  With a stroke of his Cross Townsend, Trump could declassify any and all secret FBI/DOJ files he wishes the American people to see.  Trump could order Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to hand over any and all documents sought by Congress.  And if Rosenstein might not respond, Trump could fire him in an instant, roadblock removed. So why doesn’t...

Fighting America’s 2nd War for Independence

In a recent article I asked the question, whether the fat lady was about to sing. In that article I let you in on the fact that while Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has been running his Trump-Russia investigation, spearheaded by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trump and Rosenstein’s boss, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, have been running their own special investigation, spearheaded by Utah Federal Prosecutor, John Huber.  The MSM has been reticent to report on Huber.  And so, fortunately, you have me. Independence Hall Today-Symbol of American Revolution And while the 13-month Mueller investigation has produced a smattering of minor indictments, none of which really have anything to do with President Trump or his successful 2016 presidential campaign, the Huber investigation, progressing now for 7 months, by all appearances is mounting record numbers of federal indictments, though presently sealed.  While the Mueller team of 15-20 runs into roadblock after r...