
Handicapping Georgia’s 6th District Runoff

If you read my work prior to May’s Republican Primary, many of you know that both runoff finalists, Jake Evans and Rich McCormick, received a stern critique.  I offered my reasons, which at this point still factor into my final decision on whom to vote for in next Tuesday’s runoff.  If you have not read my analyses, and would like to, you can find them both here , and here . But in advancing now to the runoff, the great task before each of us is to decide between these two worthy American patriots, both of whom I like personally very much, even if there are things which they may have said or done in the past with which I disagree. To decide that question, I believe that task boils down simply to determining which among these remaining two candidates might represent your or my interests in the US Congress for the next two years the best. That's pretty basic, is it not?  I value my vote and will not give it to just anyone, and I hope you are the same way.  For this rea...

War and Peace- Handicap Georgia's 6th District Congressional Race-Part 2

Two weeks ago, I published my best effort at an objective handicap of the 6th District Congressional race .  It was important for me to be objective because leading up to the time of writing that article, I had not made up my mind whom I would support.  What you read in that article was an analysis of the information I had available on those I considered the top three candidates, analysis which I performed in determining who I, myself, would support.  I had no favorite going into the week-long effort it took me to research and write that analysis.  Should you to look back at my social media, you will not find any post, prior to releasing that paper, supporting one candidate or another in the 6th District race.  Jake Evans                                   Rich McCormick    ...

Handicapping Georgia's 6th District Congressional Race

  Early primary voting in Georgia begins next week.  As such, I wanted to write some thoughts for individuals in Georgia’s 6th US Congressional District to consider.  Normally, a race like this would be much easier for me to boil down and decide.  However, this race, which is to represent the newly configured 6th congressional district, and which has nine Republicans qualified and running, has been extremely challenging to analyze.  Keep in mind, everything I offer for you here is my opinion based on my criteria, based upon certain facts which I know, and which I will discuss below.   There are some great people running who I will not have time to mention.  That does not mean I do not appreciate the time, effort and devotion they have given to the cause.  But in this piece I will only include the top three candidates, based upon my personal judgment, who I believe will receive the most votes in the upcoming May primary.  If I am wrong and s...

Conflicts of Interest in HB 1013, the Georgia Mental Health Parity Act

Regardless how many times politicians tell you they want to fight corruption, or that they are in politics for the right reasons, time has proven over and over, in the end those same politicians will not resist enriching themselves, given access to the public cash box.  And it's always the one's you trust the most who break your heart. On May 5, 2020, registered agent Justin Hawkins filed the paperwork necessary to incorporate Talitrix, LLC.   The product Talitrix would soon market to law enforcement and criminal justice agencies around the country is a sort of high-tech ankle monitor, but in the form of an attractive sports watch , which comes to life when Bluetoothed to a smartphone.  The purpose of the Talitrix watch is to communicate continuous bio-metric and GPS data concerning the general state of being and whereabouts of various individuals released “outside the wire” from detention centers associated with agencies purchasing the system.  To be clear, there is...

The Scam and Reform of Money Creation

Introduction I've been meaning to write this article for a while now.  My purpose is to give you a tactile or intuitive sense of how our money is created by the Federal Reserve Central Banking System, and why in each instance of that procedure the result is an increase in debt, somewhere in the economy, payable by a party who received the benefit of the money.    And then I am going to show you by contrast how money creation SHOULD be handled according to the intentions of the writers of the US Constitution, and why that procedure DOES NOT automatically result in the accrual of debt for either the US Government or the recipient of the dollars that are created.  So put on your thinking caps, good friends.  This will not be hard to understand, but you do need to think about what I'm going to show you.  Are you ready?  Okay, let's begin. Federal Reserve "Bank Money" Debt-Based System First let's look at a representation of a basic double-entry...

Petrodollar, Officially Dead

Almost three years ago I wrote an article entitled, "The Hidden Purpose Behind Trump's Visit to Saudi Arabia-The Dying Petrodollar." In it I predicted what just occurred this week in the world oil market. I explained that the world economy was on the cusp of major change. Why? Because the petrodollar system was going to crash. Monday morning, it crashed. With the world glutted with oil, no longer do nations solely depend on Saudi-led OPEC oil to run the world economy. Oil is coming out of the ground virtually everywhere, even Ukraine, but that is another story... The world oil market has become so fragmented, with oil so plentiful, that the Saudis, followed by Russia, decided that their only path forward would be an oil war, their parallel goals to solidify market share, contractual relationships and channels of distribution for themselves, which would allow them to remain in control of a world oil market no longer be ruled by the coercive petrodollar system, but i...

Crazy Bernie Leads Cartoon Democrats

As a child of the 1960’s, I remember taking Democrat political figures very seriously.  I remember listening to President John F. Kennedy speak on TV.  He advocated peace through strength, working together with our foreign neighbors, tax cuts and the continued revitalization of the American economy.  Sound familiar? I remember news reports of race riots in Selma, Alabama and unrest in Montgomery.  I remember President Kennedy calling out the national guard to open the doors for a black student to enter the University of Alabama, very serious events.  As a little kid, I watched the news with my dad.  Every so often I would ask a question and dad would try to answer it in a way child my age might understand.  I remember the Cuban missile crisis, and being trained at school to climb under my desk and cover my head in case the Russians launched missiles from Cuba, or “Cuber,” as President Kennedy would say it, all very serious stuff. I remember Vie...